California Employment Rights Notices & Pamphlets are Updating January 1, 2023
Our dedicated Pasadena employment law attorneys at Romero Law know that California employers are required to post certain notices throughout the workplace, so they are visible and/or reviewable by ALL employees — even full-time, remote workers. In some cases, employers...
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California Minimum Wage Increases for 2023
At Romero Law, our skilled Pasadena employment law attorneys know how important it is for employees to stay up to date with our local California wage requirements, so everyone knows their rights. In July 2022, we discussed the Southern California...
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Is There a Difference Between Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault in the Workplace?
At Romero Law, our skilled Pasadena sexual harassment attorneys know that any sexual misconduct in the workplace can be a life-changing event for those who are impacted by the behavior. Our employment law attorneys know that many California employees find...
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New Employment Laws Every California Employee Should Know
Our experienced employment law attorneys in Pasadena at Romero Law know that each year, California legislatures propose and enact new laws that help protect workers’ rights throughout the state. Beginning January 1, 2023, and 2024, several new employment laws that impact California employees...
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Missed Meal and Rest Breaks are Wages: The California Supreme Case Agrees
At Romero Law, our skilled Pasadena employment law attorneys know that many California employees work through meal and rest breaks to meet important deadlines, protect the job they currently have, or seek a promotion. Typically, employees would work through lunch, or forego a...
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What Information Will I Need to File a Wage Theft Claim Against My California Employer?
At Romero Law, our skilled Pasadena wage and hour attorneys believe each California employee deserves to be paid for each minute they are on the clock. So do our state’s wage and hour laws. If your employer is not providing an accurate accounting...
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