New Bill Cites California Employee Workplace Sexual Assault, Harassment, or Discrimination Claims as Privileged Communication

At Romero Law, our trusted employment law attorneys in California want all workers to understand their current rights and when new protections are put in place so they can hold their employers liable for any violations.

One of the latest changes to California law is Assembly Bill 933 (AB 933): Privileged communications: incident of sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination.

CA Workers Protected by AB 933

 How Are California Workers Protected by AB 933?

California Assembly Bill (AB) 933, also known as the MeToo Bill, protects survivors of sexual assault, harassment, and discrimination from defamation lawsuits. The bill clarifies that claims made in good faith are protected speech.

AB 933 passed on October 10, 2023. It adds Section 47.1 to the Civil Code relating to privileged communications. The bill does not apply to unfounded claims. It also makes it harder for perpetrators to retaliate against survivors with legal threats and intimidation.

“Far too often, perpetrators of sexual misconduct, abuse, assault, and harassment use the court system to punish survivors for speaking out about their abuse. This further victimizes those who bravely choose to come forward,” said Assemblymember Chris Ward (D-San Diego). “This bill will protect them from being silenced and lift the voices of survivors so they can freely share their experiences without fear of retaliation.”

Contact Our Employment Law Attorney at Romero Law

If you are pursuing an employer for sexual assault, harassment, or discrimination and are facing workplace retaliation, threats, or intimidation, contact our experienced Los Angeles County employment law attorneys to discuss your unique workplace circumstances today.

Our employment law firm and bilingual staff offer services in both English and Spanish and are available now to discuss your case during a free consultation by calling (626)-396-9900 or contacting us online.

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