Important Steps to Take Before Filing a Workplace Discrimination Lawsuit in California

At Romero Law, our experienced Pasadena employment law attorneys know that California workplace discrimination comes in many forms. Whether it is racial discrimination, disability discrimination, or based on someone’s gender or age, it is all illegal.

Unfortunately, that does not mean it does not happen.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported over 916,000 discrimination cases filed over the most recent ten-year period. That number does not reflect any other types of employment lawsuits filed over the same period.

If you are considering filing an employment discrimination lawsuit in California, you are certainly not alone. However, there are a few important steps you should take to help build your case for success.

Step One: Document Everything.

While the cruelness of discriminatory behavior is often seared in our client’s minds, it is important to document any instances of unlawful behavior.

That includes recording the date, time, and exactly what happened.

If you file a complaint with your human resources department after an incident, do so in writing. Then document the response, and how it was managed.

This will begin the paper trail of evidence that is valuable to your case.

Step Two: Develop a Timeline of Events.

Based on the documentation you have established, you can create a timeline of events that will allow you and your attorney to establish a pattern of unlawful behavior.

This will help you and your legal team get a clear picture of when the discrimination started and how long it has been happening.

Step Three: Retain All Evidence in a File Away From Work.

Emails, images, or other communications should be printed and filed in a single place away from work, so they cannot be interfered with in your absence. Take them home or to a lockbox where they will remain safe as you acquire more details.

Likewise, never delete emails, text messages, phone logs, or social media messages that can be used to build your case.

No piece of evidence is insignificant. Consider all records important and place them in a safe place.

Step Four: Contact a Skilled California Employment Law Attorney.

Even if you do not partner with the Romero Law Firm, you should speak with an experienced employment lawyer in California who can review your case and outline your legal rights and options to pursue your employer for the discriminatory behavior they allowed to occur and continue.

Your employer will likely have a strong legal team protecting them, so it is important that you have someone with the skill, experience, and resources you need to protect your rights, too.

We can help, starting with a free consultation.

Contact Our Skilled Workplace Discrimination Attorneys in Pasadena, California Today

If you are suffering from discrimination in the workplace, contact our experienced Los Angeles County employment law attorneys to discuss your unique workplace circumstances today.

Our employment law firm and bilingual staff offer services in both English and Spanish and are available now to discuss your case during a free consultation by calling 626-396-9900 or contacting us online.

Tell Us What Happened

You’re in a bad spot. We will help. Not every situation can turn into a case, but if anyone can pull it off…we can.

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